Kopi Times | Medan :
Indonesia part of the world’s life and community that has experienced much of the welfare changes especially during jokowi’s reign.
Jokowi is an Indonesian national citizen, the son of the world’s nation who has given the best to its people and country, and, of course, has also given the best and inspiration to the world’s people.
The Nobel committee is a wise and intelligent independent agency. In the north Sumatra field. KPNEJ (Jokowi Nobel Economic Committee of Origin) declaration on the proposal of the name Ir. H. Joko Widodo President RI for the Nobel Prize prize in 2020 to the Nobel committee in Norwegian Oslo, Monday morning, October 14, 2019 in the field. KPNEJ, directed by Yonge L. V. Sihombing, SE. MBA, Dra. Murniati Tobing, M. Si, (secretary), and elly hariyanto br. Sinaga (treasurer) at secretariat KPNEJ Sei Asahan road number 80 Medan (Hotel Pure Huber), down and down to propose the name Ir .H. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia for the Nobel Prize in 2020.
To you, Yonge L.V. Sihombing, SE. , MBA, announced, KPNEJ proposed the name Ir. H. Joko Widodo as the Nobel Prize laureate of 2020 is in conjunction with the 2019 Nobel laureate by the Nobel committee in Norwegian Oslo. (Jaya)