Kamis, Februari 13, 2025

Mahatala Nommensen Holds Lake Toba Tourism Seminar

Present as a speaker Ir. Juang Sinaga, Deputy Regent of Samosir District, at the HKBP Nommensen University Medan
Foto : Hery B Manalu/Kopi-times.com

Kopi-times.com – “Because there is no place on the island of Samosir that is called not beautiful for tourism. All fit, all beautiful, all precious. So it’s called Beautiful Country Pieces of Heaven. Go there beautiful, back from there remember the beauty “, said Juang Sinaga, Deputy Regent of Samosir District.

Student Activity Unit, Nature Lovers (Mapala) Mahatala Nommensen held an environmental seminar in the framework of the 27th Anniversary, titled Tourism of Lake Toba, Saturday (6/7/2019), at the HKBP Nommensen University Campus Building, Sutomo street, Medan.

The Environmental Seminar entitled Tourism of Lake Toba with the aim of building awareness of the younger generation in the rehabilitation of the environment and tourism of Lake Toba.

Present as a speaker Ir. Juang Sinaga, Deputy Regent of Samosir District, Yuda Nugraha from the Lake Toba Authority, Manguji Nababan from the head of the HKBP Nommensen University Batak Culture Documentation and Study Center and the North Sumatra Tourism Office. (Hery B Manalu) 

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