Kamis, Januari 16, 2025

President RI Asked to Expand the Batak Indigenous House Like the One in Lake Toba

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) developed lake Toba tour area, North Sumatra,
Foto : Ist

Kopi-tims.com | Medan:
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) developed lake Toba tour area, North Sumatra. Continuing to perform multisector protests there, the head of state also ordered the Batak indigenous home to be galvanized in the lake Toba (KDT) region.

Jokowi’s message expressed menko outrage, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, at the inauguration of the toba caldera resort, in the area of lake toba autonomous zone, ajibata sprouts, toba samosir, Monday (14/10/2019).

“So in addition to requesting the construction of the lake toba region of insfratuktur, President jokowi ordered that the house standing in lake toba region be returned to what it was, the batak indigenous house,” Luhut says.

Luhut said President jokowi wanted to return to his home like the real Batak house, so more and more tourists in and out of the country came. Hopefully also at batak cultural events are expanding.

“Or one of the boys will be homestay, when it’s time you learn the benefits of being free from home. But you have to meet the standards that have been given, they’ll start next year,” Luhut says.(Jaya)

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